Framgångspodden II

Jag hade äran att få gästa framgångspodden en andra gång! Här är länk till avsnittet:
Jag hade äran att få gästa framgångspodden en andra gång! Här är länk till avsnittet:
This blog post is the result of a question I got after a presentation at IKEA. I’m in the end of a half-crazy motivational speaking race. For several weeks I have planted daily seeds of adventure, inspiration and new ideas in minds all over Sweden. Sometimes our sessions end with question and answer sessions. I […]
It’s part of the Swedish heritage to do your duty and ‘work hard’. Maybe it’s also part of our western culture. We should be busy and stressed. And happy. And good looking. And trying saving the world. With everything that should be done, we need to keep busy. It seems somewhat trendy to answer the ‘how are you-question’ […]
I have been living with the classical goal-setting mind. I love dreamy high goals. They motivate me and give me energy to go beyond my limits. I have always believed that if you don’t know where you are going – how will you get anywhere at all? Like the Alice in Wonderland moment: One day Alice […]
If you ask me how I am I will usually answer that I’m ok, even if I’m not. Why? I don’t believe in complaining. I think complaining is a negative waste of time and rarely solves anything. Since I don’t complain or post ugly photos on facebook, from an outside point of view, It looks […]