Worst thing that can happen in antarctica
Yesterday I woke up to the sound of snow fallling on the tent fly, one of my favourite sounds. Then the feeling of something being wrong. It was probably wrong the day before too, or I’m too optimistic. While inhanling I coughed a deep painful knife-sensation in my chest. My body felt tender and a little feverish. Not good. Last weeks cold was back and lot worse.
The old me might have neglected it, not said anything to the organizer and pushed on. But its serious here. If went higher it would be worse, like pneumonia. I went to the camp doctor who said lungs sounded ok but wanted to give me a chance with antibiotics. There is hope. Weather turned bad so the team is not leaving anyway, and there’s the 3 that are on the way here from southpole.
I will need to put all my energy to rest and get well. the only expedition I do the next days is the cold and long one to the pee-bucket..