Photoblog of photoshoot
Norway is one of the most beautiful countries I’ve been to. It’s sometimes hard to believe it’s our neighbour as the landscape is so different. Norway got all the good stuff; beautiful steep mountains and a ocean full of life. Outdoor life in Norway seems to come natural with their type of natural surroundings. Maybe that’s why they have some of the best outdoor gear in the world. I’m honoured and happy to work with one of those Norweigan brands as my main partner for outdoor wear. I believe in choosing quality before fashion. I’ve had my first Bergans jacket for 7 years and it’s still keeping up with my adventures.
One of my favourite jobs of working with Bergans is of course the photoshoots. We’ve visited some of the most inspiring places in Norway to inspire people to get out into nature. The photographer Hans Kristian Krogh-Hanssen is one of my photographer idols and we’re either climbing, hiking or skiing toghether with Norgesguidene male model and mountain guides Sverre Hjelmeland or Sigurd Felde.
We spend last week around Sunnmørsalpane and Hjørrungsfjorden which is Sverre’s backyard. Here’s some behind-the-scenes-photos: